Atopic Dermatitis Causes and Treatment

Atopic Dermatitis or Eczem

This is often referred to as itchy, red and flaky skin.
Causes of Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema
This is either a genetic disease, in which some outside factor such as dust or pollen or some edible item such as fish and eggs which cause itching and discomfort in people and leave large red itchy patches on the skin.

Symptoms of Eczema

Because this is a genetic disease, it often starts in childhood. Children who are 6 months to a year old suddenly start developing dry red patches on their face and body which also itch a lot. Going ahead, these children often develop disorders like asthma and hay fever. Or, there are other people in the family who suffer from severe allergies like asthma and hay fever. These itchy red patches usually occur on the face or on the body, or in the inside soft part of the elbow. It can also happen behind the knees, or on the ankles. People who suffer from eczema, usually have very sensitive skin. And when their skin itches and they scratch it, then their finger nails can transmit bacterial and viral infections into the blood, through broken skin. That is, sufferers of Eczema, usually also suffer from many other types of skin infections or they develop viral infections like herpes simplex on the skin, along with eczema. How to determine the trigger for Eczema. If you are suffering from Eczema then you first need to think if you ate anything or if you went anywhere where there was dust or pollen for example in the spring season, when there is a lot of pollen in the air.

Or you may have touched an animal which caused an allergic reaction in you leading to itchy, sore skin and red, itchy eyes and similar allergic symptoms. So if you are able to determine the cause of your allergic reaction, whether it was something you touched, or ate which triggered the allergic eczema in you then you should make all efforts to stay away from such allergens.
If you are unable to determine the cause, then you should go to a hospital where a doctor can carry out a PATCH TEST or a PRICK TEST. These tests can reveal exactly what causes your allergy and then you can stay away from the substances which cause your allergy.

What Precautions Sould Eczema Patients Take?

If you are the kind of person who is very prone to allergies then you should do certain things to minimize your chances of getting an allergy and also bringing it under your control for this, you will first have to stop using soap. Soap is a chemical, and whenever our skin is weak and vulnerable we should avoid putting chemicals on it. You should avoid both anti-septic lotions, as well as soap.
You should only have a daily bath with Lukewarm water. In areas where you sweat more, such as in the armpits, groin and under the breast you should wash using a non-soap cleanser only. But you should not use soap.
Our skin produces oil naturally which always remains on our skin in a thin layer and protects skin from sunlight, dust and all kinds of infections. It also keeps our skin soft and supple. Applying soap daily, removes this oil from our skin.
Those who suffer from eczema should avoid keeping pets at home. Because many people are allergic to animal skin dander their hair, and many people are also allergic to bird feathers, especially fine ones. So people develop allergies suddenly due to pet animals in the house, and are unable to figure out why they are allergic. So as a rule, if you or anyone else in your house suffers from eczema, you should not have pets in the house.

If you suffer from eczema, then you should wear either cotton or silk clothes. You should avoid wearing nylon, polyester and other synthetic fabrics, as well as woollen clothes. Woollen clothes are made from animal hair, and can cause allergies. If you have to wear woollens during winter, then you should first wear cotton clothes inside and only then wear woollens on top. Even if you wear a woollen cap, then you must make sure that you wear a cotton cap beneath it.

How to keep skin moisturized in atopic dermatitis/Eczema?

Eczema dries out our skin severely. That is why it is very important to keep skin moisturized and supple. For this purpose you should always use natural oils like Coconut Oil, or Olive Oil. You should massage your body thoroughly with Coconut or Olive oil in the morning, after taking a bath. And half an hour before sleeping at night, you should again massage the body with Coconut or olive oil.
Despite this, if your skin is still dry, then you can rub oil over it 3-4 times a day also. In any case, it is important to keep the skin moist at all times.
If you do not want to use oil If you do not like using oil, then you can use baby cream which does not contain any scent. Because creams and moisturizers which contain scents can make your skin problems worse.
Vaseline can also be used to alleviate the symptoms of eczema. Because it helps to keep the moisture inside the skin and does not allow it to escape. And this keeps the skin quite soft.

Treating Eczema With Medicines

As we know, eczema causes a lot of itching and to reduce that itching we can also take medicines.
For example if you take Diphenhydramine Tablets then your itching will reduce and it will also make you sleepy.
However, if you are driving a car or working with any other machinery then you should not use Diphenhydramine. Because if you fall asleep at the wheel, or while operating machinery, it can be quite dangerous.
In this case you can take Cetrizine which reduces itching, but does not make one as sleepy.

Treatment of Eczema using Steroids

Many times consuming the previously mentioned medicines, does not reduce the itchiness. Then you will have to apply topical creams, and Steroid creams are quite effective for this purpose.
1% Hydrocortisone cream is one of the most effective creams for this. Before using steroid creams, there are certain dangers you need to be aware of.
The first of these is that you should not use steroid creams for more than 1 week.
Because these creams cause the skin to thin out and if you overuse them then they enter the bloodstream through the skin.
And once steroids enter the blood stream, then they can prove to be quite dangerous. If the itching persists despite all this or if the eczema patches do not heal completely.

Then you will have to resort to oral steroid medication. Oral steroids should never be taken without proper consultation of a doctor. Please consult a doctor before taking any kind of steroids and only use them under a Doctor's supervision.

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